Our Vet and Practice Owner, Fiona Rawlings. She looks to be holding one of the prizes for our monthly charity raffle!
Most of you will know our Head Receptionist Sheila! We managed to get a rare photo of her!
Fiona with Angel who'd come in for a check-up.
Our lovely clients are all so friendly and everyone gets to know each other!
And so do their pets!
The beautiful Rudie in for a check-up.
Weight changes can be an important indicator of overall health so we keep a close eye on this with you.
The perfect patient holding nice and still! And the perfect owner helping out!
How many vets and nurses does it take to wash a dog?! Here Fiona is helping the team to manage a difficult skin condition which requires regular bathing to keep in check.
Meet Myrtle, one of our practice cats! Myrtle is a little shy so you might not get to see her very often.
And this is Arnie, our other practice cat helping out on reception. When Arnie isn't out gallivanting, you'll often see him doing a bit of paperwork with Toni!
We couldn't resist showing you another photo of Arnie! No more, we promise!

We’re proud to be a Local Vets approved practice. It shows we’re totally committed to staying independently owned and will always be here to serve our local community of pets and their owners.
Contact Details
Rock View Vets Limited
10 Tremodrett Road
St Austell
Cornwall PL26 8JA
01726 890 887
Terms & Conditions of Payment
All payments must be made at the time of treatment unless by prior arrangement. Unpaid accounts will be transferred to our external Debt Collection Agency and the additional costs incurred will be added to the debt.
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday: Reception open 8am – 6.30pm
Saturday: 8am – 12.30pm
If you have a veterinary emergency outside of these times, please call 01726 890887 and your call will be transferred to our emergency out of hours vets:
MiNightVet Newquay
53 Henver Road